There are those, in this world, who feel an extreme compulsion have the right stuff. Not just any stuff, but those special items related to specific tasks. You know what I mean—the latest, greatest, best-of-the-class kind of gear for whatever the task. “You cannot simply leap into something without the proper tools,” they tell you. “We must go buy the Williams Sonoma proofing basket and baking stone if we want to make authentic homemade bread! It’s just not the same without it!” Nervously you think where is the nearest Williams Sonoma? After several hundred dollars and a trip to Amish county (for the freshest of ingredients), you are the proud owner of all the special tools necessary to make an authentic hearth loaf (which might taste better if it had not cost so much.)
Much like cooking, golfing, and other activities, there are
those of the mind that an artist must have all of the proper tools. Only the
finest tools will do—this is essential to the process.
I, too, believe in having the “right” tools. Only the finest
materials for me, as you will see below.
And so I give you Kelsey A. Smith’s Fraktur Toolbox.
Exhibit A: Watercolor Brushes
Exhibit B: Watercolors
I’m very particular about brands. I
use Grumbacher, Cotman, and Essentials irregularly. The quality of the
watercolors is, I have found, directly related to the sale price and number of
coupons applicable.
Exhibit C: Good Quality Ink
Exhibit D: Toolbox(es)

There are other essential items, like palettes, pens and
paper, but as fascinating as an examination of them might be, I cannot give all
of my secrets away, now can I?
A Non-Satirical Note: I
really do pay attention to quality of certain items in my work, in case I had
any of you worried. But I am also a firm believer in making do with what I’ve
got. Some of my tools are quality, and others are more haphazard in selection. I do what I can, with what I have, and try not to take myself too seriously. That, to me, is really what folk art is about: making do with the talents and
tools we have to make a corner of our world just a little bit more beautiful.